Aromatherapy for Yoga Part 2 - Guest Author Nico Anders
How can I use essential oils in my yoga practice? There are 8 limbs of yoga, Ashtanga (Ash = eight, tanga = limbs in Sanskrit). While one...

Aromatherapy for Yoga Part 1 - Guest Author Nico Anders
Hellen Keller once said scent was the fallen angel of all the senses. After growing more and more involved with aromatherapy, I couldn’t...

Drishti: What is it and what can we gain from it?
Today I want to tell you about a funny little thing called Drishti. Yes, I know, another one of those crazy sanskrit yoga words that has...

3 Simple Tricks to Reset Your Mood
Life can be tough. It's super frustrating. Sometimes you can get incredibly worked up about things that, if you were calm and collected,...

DIY Wellness Retreat Day Four: The Layabout
Hiya! I'm going to start off my saying MERRY CHRISTMAS!! One of my favourite times of the year and this one is going to be wonderful! Let...
How to love yourself during that time of the month
That's right, girls. I'm talking about periods. Not gonna lie, Aunty Flow gave me a visit this past week and it got me thinking about the...

Yoga @ Home: Love your feet
Our feet. They carry us around all day. We cram them into boots, heels, sneakers, we run around on them, we use them to kick and stomp...

Yoga @ Home: Bedtime Yoga
Time and time again I hear people ask "how can I get to sleep better?" Well, my friends, the answer is here. Bedtime Yoga! Today I'm...