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How to take a study break (properly)

As a Uni student I know just how tiresome study can get, but it really helps if you have regular (and fruitful) breaks.

Many people will suggest that you study for about 30 to 40 minutes before taking a 5 to 10 minute break, but I think it is best to find out what time lengths work for you. Perhaps for the time being, take a five minute break whenever you're feeling agitated or unfocused.

SO what should you do during this break? There are loads of things to choose from!

1. Freshen up

Go to the bathroom, take a quick shower, splash some water on your face, just brighten yourself up so that when you sit back down to study you're feeling refreshed and renewed.

2. Head to the kitchen

Grab yourself a nice big glass of water or an invigorating herbal tea and have some study snacks prepared. Things like fruit, nuts, yoghurt or a muesli bar can be great nourishing snacks that will get your brain going again! Then have another big glass of water - it'll do you wonders!

3. Move around

Chances are, you study sitting down. So get up and move! Take a quick walk around the block, run around in the garden with your dog or do some nice yoga stretches (back bends in particular like cobra or bridge will get you feeling refreshed in no time!). This might be a great time to check in with your posture as well; if you next and shoulders are feeling sore, you might want to stretch them out and then make sure that you are sitting up straight when you go back to your studying.

4. Have a chat to someone

Sometimes when you have a bunch of study to do it can feel really isolating. So find someone to have a quick convo with that will make you feel more social. Ask them about their day, crack a joke, even get in some extra revision by telling them about what you're studying! Just get your mouth moving!

5. DON'T look at your phone

Ok, so you can look at your phone. But what I mean is don't say "yay! Study break!" and then proceed to spend the next 15 minutes sitting at your desk, scrolling through Instagram. This is so not good for your body or your mind and it just won't make your study sessions more productive. By all means check your messages and send your Snapchat streaks, but don't spend too much time tapping that keypad.

Try to keep your breaks snappy (don't study for 30 mins and then take a 30 min break) and you'll be studying like a pro!

I hope you find these tips helpful. Shout out to my friend Naomi for jumping in some of the pics with me teehee

Comment what you think and what you want to see next!


Mia x

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