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3 Simple Tricks to Reset Your Mood

Life can be tough. It's super frustrating. Sometimes you can get incredibly worked up about things that, if you were calm and collected, would really seem petty and unimportant. It is difficult to catch yourself out when you are huffing and puffing in a rage about something someone said or feeling utterly dejected over not getting what you want, or even just feeling like you have so much to do that all you can do is cry. However, you can save yourself from this downward spiral to pools of tears and unwarranted outbursts. And all your need is five minutes.

Trick Number One: Roll downs

The easiest trick in the book. Find a quiet space and imaging a bright, warm light at the top of your spine. Very slowly, envisage the light moving down your spine, one vertebra at a time, curving your spine gently as you do so. Allow the light to move all the way down to the base of your spine until your entire body is folded in half. Bend your knees, let your head and arms flop in front of you and B R E A T H E. Slowly and deeply. When you're ready slowly reverse the process and roll yourself all the way back up. Rolls downs are such an easy way to move, stretch and relax the tight and tense areas of your body so you can really take a moment to chill the f**k out.

Trick Number Two: Balasana

Balasana or Child's Pose is a magnificent stretch worshiped by yogis around the globe. It is essentially, the closest one can get to being back in the foetal position, so it usually feels very homely and comforting if your body permits you to do it (knee and hip issues can stop you). Kneel on the floor and rest your chest on your thighs. You can choose to have your arms resting beside you or stretched out in front. This will give your back a nice gentle stretch while allowing your muscles to relax. Imagine breathing deeply into your lower back and sides. You can stay in this pose for as long as you like, but make sure you're there for at least 2 minutes.

Trick Number Three: Breathe

Breathe. Just breathe. It is magical what a moment focusing on our breath can do for our mental state. Take a moment to feel the air coming into your lungs, allowing your breath to become slow and deep, being present in the moment to take some time for yourself. It is so simple yet so rewarding. If you're not sure what to do, check out the mindfulness audios from - they're so simple, free and they work so so well!

SO there you have it - three easy peasy tricks to reset your mindset. After doing these you'll feel calm, focused and content and be ready to take on the rest of your day.


Mia x

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