Are students the most unhappy they've ever been?
Head to the link below to check out this month's newsletter which attempts to answer this question as well as provide ideas on how to ta

On The Mat - How To Find Your Perfect Yoga Mat
My top tips on how to find the right yoga/pilates mat that suits all your needs, plus my yoga mat and where I got it.

DIY tricks to love the skin you're in!
Heya! So last week I started to notice that my body wasn't happy with me. It had some funny little aches and pains that weren't usually...

Learn to meditate in 4 easy steps!
Any person who has ever mediated or practiced mindfulness before will tell you that the world would be a much better place if we all...

Drishti: What is it and what can we gain from it?
Today I want to tell you about a funny little thing called Drishti. Yes, I know, another one of those crazy sanskrit yoga words that has...

How to take a study break (properly)
As a Uni student I know just how tiresome study can get, but it really helps if you have regular (and fruitful) breaks. Many people will...

Happy Birthday to Rise and Yoga!
That's right, it has officially been 1 year since Rise and Yoga began! Amazing! For me, this means paying all the annual subscriptions...

3 Simple Tricks to Reset Your Mood
Life can be tough. It's super frustrating. Sometimes you can get incredibly worked up about things that, if you were calm and collected,...

Mandala Mindfulness
Last week I went along with my gorgeous cousin Sal to a Mandala workshop. And it was awesome. So I'm going to tell you about it. If you...
How to practice mindfulness without realising
In today's crazy, busy world, it is soooo so important to take some time for yourself, to be with yourself, your mind, your body, your...