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How to practice mindfulness without realising

In today's crazy, busy world, it is soooo so important to take some time for yourself, to be with yourself, your mind, your body, your breath, free from distractions.

However this doesn't necessarily mean adorning your white robes, voyaging up to the top of a mountain and sitting for 4 hours straight while repeating the Gayatri Mantra.

Mindfulness can be found in every day tasks and it can do you so much good! It helps you stay stress free, become more focused, more aware and ultimately more happy and content in your life.

Step 1: Turn off the devices.

Whether it's your phone going off every 3 seconds, the TV in the background or even the beeping of your watch telling you it's time to get a move on, turn that shizzle off. The world will go on turning without you participating in it for a couple of minutes. It may be hard, I know I actually start to get anxious when I haven't checked my phone for too long and I really have to try to restrain myself, but it is so imperative if you want to help your mind chill out. So, push the off button and but that device in another room so you don't have the temptation - your mind will thank you for it.

Step 2: Find a task that you can do mindfully.

Although I said you wouldn't realise you were doing this, a great way of practicing mindfulness is just sitting or lying still and breathing, I recommend the app Smiling Mind if you want a guided session, but really you can just chill out and be with yourself for a moment and that counts. However there are so many other ways to tune out and reconnect with yourself. These include:

  • Colouring

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Going for a walk

  • Gently exercising

  • Watching a sunrise/sunset

  • Watching any kind of landscape view

  • Watching people in a crowded area

  • Drawing

  • Listening to music

  • Painting your nails

  • Basically anything that you're doing while doing nothing else that allows you to really focus solely on that thing

Step 3: Stick to the plan.

Once you've gotten rid of all distractions and decided what you want to do to get your brain all stress free, you have to really stick to it without wondering about time or anything else. You can ask someone to come and get you at a certain time if you really need to be somewhere but other than that it is best if you pick a time when you're in no hurry so you don't need to worry. Also, although even 30 seconds of mindfulness does you a world of good, it's best if you try and stick with it for at least 10 minutes. Basically what I do is stick with it till I get bored and restless and then try and stay there for a little bit longer before going on with my day.

Step 4: Reap the rewards

It's as simple as that! If you really let yourself let go of everything around you and take this moment for yourself, you will absolutely feel the benefits surging through your body, as well as your mind. You will feel calm and collected and little things won't bother you so much. You will be able to focus more and you'll feel really content and happy. With benefits this brilliant and such simple steps, why would you not get your mindful on!

I hope you can take something from this and learn how to reconnect with yourself. Comment any questions or your experience below or email me at


Mia x

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