Happy Birthday to Rise and Yoga!

That's right, it has officially been 1 year since Rise and Yoga began! Amazing! For me, this means paying all the annual subscriptions that began a year ago, but it is also about celebrating everything we as a community have achieved in that time. I am so proud of how far I've come and how far each and every one of my students have come in the time that they have been with even, even those from before the R+Y days.
In the space of a year I have:
taught free SHC yoga classes
held 3 Kids Yoga holiday programs
written 120 blog posts
372 Instagram followers
become a Mat Pilates instructor
taught Mixed Yoga and Pilates in my first solo venture
created a new logo
attended loads of classes
practiced countless poses
and so so much more!
It is an honour to get on the mat each time I practice and each time I teach, and I cannot thank each and every one of my students and friends enough for their ongoing support and enthusiasm.
So thank you! Let's hope the next year of R+Y is filled with just as much awesome stuff.

Comment what you want to see from me next!
Mia x