DIY Wellness Retreat Day Two: Sweating, floating and sweating some more
Well, today was considerably more productive than yesterday! It began with a need for exercise, so I headed down to Geelong's newest...

Yoga and Pilates: What's the difference?
In light of my recent Pilates accreditation, I thought it might be a good time to answer the question I have been asked so frequently...
(Hold on to your socks, folks) ANNOUNCEMENT
Proud and delighted to announce I have began Pilates Teacher Training with the wonderful Linda Newman! I cannot wait to share all of this...

Life Update 2
Heya! I'm still being kept busy by my two beautiful Italian exchange students, so here's a little look into what we got up to this week:...

Yoga @ Home: Love your feet
Our feet. They carry us around all day. We cram them into boots, heels, sneakers, we run around on them, we use them to kick and stomp...

The Eight Limbs: Samadhi + EXCITING NEWS
Samadhi is enlightenment. The big one. It is basically this crazy moment where you sorta transcend into the spiritual world like on...

The Eight Limbs: Pratyahara
P2, Pratyahara. The control of the senses. This one can be really interesting. It's a whole new level of learning about yourself and, at...

The Eight Limbs: Asana
Asana are your body postures, the most well-known aspect of yoga. The physical practice of yoga has gotten a real name for itself the...