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Yoga and Pilates: What's the difference?

In light of my recent Pilates accreditation, I thought it might be a good time to answer the question I have been asked so frequently these past fews years - what's the difference between Yoga and Pilates?

Righteo, lets go.

Just a quick thing to mention, I'm talking Mat Pilates here, so no machines or reformers.

So Yoga's origins started hundreds and hundreds of years ago as ways for monks to be able to have body's healthy, limber and strong enough to sit in one position and meditate for a really long time. Modern yoga, a considerably young movement, has developed so much from these first few poses. Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 20th century and was initially intended for boxers (believe it or not!).

Yoga has a lot more philosophy based around it, it's almost like a religion in that aspect. As you will see in various things I have posted previously, yoga is so much more than an exercise. It is an activity for the body, mind and soul, and it includes teachings on how one should live their life. Pilates, while is has principles and philosophies, is a lot more about the physical aspects, exercises and improvements that can occur.

In terms of the difference between yoga postures and pilates exercises, they're pretty contrasting.

Yoga is focused on the entire body (as well as the mind and soul of course). It works on strength, flexibility and balance everywhere from your achilles to your intercostals.

Pilates, on the other hand, has a strong focus on developing the core body muscles in order to support the spine, all the while lengthening and strengthen the arms and legs.

Yoga is lots of twists, balances, inversions and holding positions for extended times.

Pilates is lots of crunches, planks, side lying exercises, rolls and leg extensions.

So, now that's covered, I know what you're all thinking: which one is better?

Well, it all depends on what you're looking for. If you want a full body work out that will improve your mental strength and calm you down, plus great developments (such as weight loss) over an extended period of time, Yoga is probably your jam. If you want a strong core and fairly fast results, or something to do while you're injured, maybe Pilates is more your thing.

The great thing is, they complement each other enormously. The strength and flexibility you can gain from Pilates is brilliant for many yoga postures, and vice versa.

I could say so much more, but I'll leave it there for today. Comment any questions below!

Look out for some Pilates classes from me soon!


Mia x

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