The Eight Limbs: Samadhi + EXCITING NEWS

Samadhi is enlightenment.
The big one.
It is basically this crazy moment where you sorta transcend into the spiritual world like on Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Samadhi is really the moment when you find true union, true 'yoga'.
There are two kinds of Samadhi, either you are aware you've reached it or you aren't. Either way, it is apparently a moment of "unutterable joy'.
If you are lucky enough to come across someone who is experiencing Samadhi, it is important not to 'wake' them. You can maybe try and gently bring them out of it with songs or other gentle distractions if they're been in Samadhi for a long time, but we mustn't try and pull someone out of this state as it can be detrimental.
Well, that's it.
That's yoga philosophy.
So to close:
"these eight steps of yoga indicate a logical pathway that leads to the attainment of physical, ethical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual health. Yoga does not seek to change the individual; rather, it allows the natural state of total health and integration in each of us to become a reality." - Willian J.D. Doran
Thank you to everyone who has followed this crazy 3 month journey through Yoga philosophy! I hope you have learnt a little something that you can apply to your life.
Next week we'll be starting something a little different - yoga sequences! There'll be insight, images and perhaps even a YouTube video :O
Stay calm, stay calm.
Ok my lovelies, until next week,
Namaste x