The Eight Limbs: Asana
Asana are your body postures, the most well-known aspect of yoga. The physical practice of yoga has gotten a real name for itself the...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Isvara Pranidhana)
Isvara Pranidhana is 'surrendering to the divine,' but perhaps we should think of it as accepting that there is something larger than us...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Svadhyaya)
Svadhyaya = self study It's also really fun to say. This one is kinda special to me because not only is it a big part of my life, but I...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Tapas)
T is for Tapas. No, unfortunately, I don't mean the Spanish food! Tapas is all about disciplined use of energy. Basically, to quote both...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Santosa)
Santosa! Contentment! This is a brilliant one. Santosa is all about being happy and content with what we have, and not pining over the...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Sauca)
Welcome to Limb Number Two! So, the Yamas were about how we treat ourselves as well as others and other things. The Niyamas are solely...

The Eight Limbs: Yama (Aparigraha)
Aparigraha. The final (and my favourite) Yama. Aparigraha is my favourite Yama because it is something that almost everybody needs, yet...

The Eight Limbs: Yama (Brahmacharya)
Yama No. 4: Brahmacharya. This one is tricky, in terms of interpretation. Basically, it means sense or emotion control, but some see this...

The Eight Limbs: Yama (Asteya)
Asteya. Non-stealing. Don't take stuff off other people. Don't steal things from yourself. Really, I could just stop there. But I won't...

The Eight Limbs: Yama (Satya)
Yama No.2 - Satya Satya is honesty. It's about being truthful in everything you say but also being truthful to yourself. I mean yeah,...