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The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Isvara Pranidhana)

Isvara Pranidhana is 'surrendering to the divine,' but perhaps we should think of it as accepting that there is something larger than us guiding our lives, that could be related to your religion or even just realising that our environment does dictate how we live to some extent. Maybe there are certain people who guide your life. It's kind of up to your own interpretation based on your beliefs.

We can practice Isvara Pranidhana by chanting, showing gratitude, dedicating our practice or our thoughts to something or someone, anything like that.

Personally, I don't really connect with this Niyama at the moment but it is something that I will look to work on in the future.

Basically this all means accept that you do not have full control over your life, and you should take a moment every now and then to acknowledge that.

So that's it!

That is also all of the Niyamas! Next week we move on to the 3rd and universally well know limb, Asana or the physical side of yoga.

Namaste x

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