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The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Tapas)

T is for Tapas.

No, unfortunately, I don't mean the Spanish food!

Tapas is all about disciplined use of energy.

Basically, to quote both Nike and Shia LeBeouf, "JUST DO IT!"

There are a few points to this:

  1. Defeat your inner laziness

  2. Just do it, don't think too much about the consequences. Do it and see what happens.

  3. Once you have begun, you will find the energy to continue.

  4. Stay committed

  5. "Enthusiastically engage with life"

  6. Encourage yourself but don't push too far

  7. (Getting a little deep here) When you want to do something, your thoughts about it are either based on excitement or based on fear. However these emotions are only there because of past experiences and observations, so are they really necessary emotions to have for something you haven't experienced yet?

Confusing I know..

But do you get the point?

The idea is you don't hold yourself back from reaching your true potential, just because you 'can't be bothered' or you're 'scared,'

As a yoga teacher I try to encourage people to achieve their best without pushing them. It's a gentle nudge in the right direction that I know they can achieve. It is really important as a teacher to be careful how you direct people to move deeper into a pose or even try a different version of the pose, because we don't want people going too far and injuring themselves, but we also know they can achieve more than they realise.

In my personal life, I constantly look to Tapas to keep me going. I have a little mantra that is simply "up, up, up." With every 'up' I take a quick breath in and sit a little taller. I engage my mind, body and breath in this simple mantra and it works incredibly well for me. Whenever I am run down and tired and have just had enough of being busy, I say this mantra as a little energy booster - self encouragement to push on. What I'm trying to get as is if you set your mind to something, you can find the energy to complete it. IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND!

If you want to do something, do it. Want to get fit? Go to the gym (or even better, a yoga class!). Want to eat better? Take a healthy cooking class. Want to improve your posture? Make a conscious effort to do just that. You have to TRY. You have to GET STARTED. You have to DO IT!

Do not waste your energy on things that don't matter. Instead, use it for things that are important to you.

Focus on what you use your energy for and whether that is an appropriate use for it. Our bodies are amazing things that can complete many incredible tasks, do not waste that or take it for granted.

I leave you today with a little more motivation. Take it away Shia...

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