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DIY Wellness Retreat Day One: A day with the Gilmore's


So, today is the 25th of November, one day after my final graduation, half a day since my boyfriend left for schoolies on the Gold Coast (yes, I am terrified for his safety and his brain cells) and the beginning of my own version of schoolies - a DIY Wellness Retreat from home.

As I am underage and not overly willing to participate in the manic tradition that is schoolies, I decided that as an alternative I would treat myself in another way. So, for the next 10 days I will be doing everything from yoga and barre classes to stints at the day spa. It's going to be a very relaxing week and a bit!

My schedule is pretty tight and I'll be trying out some new things along the way, so feel free to follow along, give me suggestions and maybe even give some of it a try!

So the schedule for Day 1 was:

11:30 - 5: Work

5:30 - 6: Bubble bath and face mask while watching Gilmore Girls

6:30 - 7:30: Home yoga practice

8 - 8:30: Mindfulness meditation

10: Bed

In actuality, what happened was this:

11:30 - 5: Work

5:30 - 6: Bubble bath and face mask while watching Gilmore Girls

6:30 - 7:30: Continue watching Gilmore Girls

8 - 8:30: Still watching Gilmore Girls

10: Watching Gilmore Girls in bed

Well, what can I say, Gilmore Girls is good for my mental health?

Anyway, in review, work (at the ice cream shop) was long and boring and tough on my poor feet and the bubble bath was very soothing with a lovely supermarket brand Very Berry face mask that left my skin soft and supple. Better luck tomorrow I guess!



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