How to love yourself during that time of the month
That's right, girls. I'm talking about periods. Not gonna lie, Aunty Flow gave me a visit this past week and it got me thinking about the...

The Clothing Conundrum: What to wear to yoga
So many people are worried about what they wear to yoga! Whether it's a private yin practice at home or a busy power vinyasa class at...

Yoga @ Home: Love your feet
Our feet. They carry us around all day. We cram them into boots, heels, sneakers, we run around on them, we use them to kick and stomp...

Yoga @ Home: Bedtime Yoga
Time and time again I hear people ask "how can I get to sleep better?" Well, my friends, the answer is here. Bedtime Yoga! Today I'm...

The Eight Limbs: Samadhi + EXCITING NEWS
Samadhi is enlightenment. The big one. It is basically this crazy moment where you sorta transcend into the spiritual world like on...

The Eight Limbs: Pratyahara
P2, Pratyahara. The control of the senses. This one can be really interesting. It's a whole new level of learning about yourself and, at...

The Eight Limbs: Pranayama
Pranayama. Another one of those well known aspects of yoga. Pranayama means breath control, it's the "measuring, control and directing of...

The Eight Limbs: Asana
Asana are your body postures, the most well-known aspect of yoga. The physical practice of yoga has gotten a real name for itself the...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Isvara Pranidhana)
Isvara Pranidhana is 'surrendering to the divine,' but perhaps we should think of it as accepting that there is something larger than us...

The Eight Limbs: Niyama (Svadhyaya)
Svadhyaya = self study It's also really fun to say. This one is kinda special to me because not only is it a big part of my life, but I...