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The Clothing Conundrum: What to wear to yoga

So many people are worried about what they wear to yoga! Whether it's a private yin practice at home or a busy power vinyasa class at your local studio, what you wear while practising yoga can really influence your practice. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly what brands of what yoga pants to wear, but I can guide you! I encourage you to experiment practising in various types of clothes to find which ones make you feel mighty fine and which ones make you constantly pull out that wedgie.

Number One: The Bare All

What is it: Going nude or in your undies

When can I wear it: At home? Hell yeah. At a yoga class? Not unless it is a (admittedly wacky) specific nude yoga class.


  • no distractions from itchy tags or tops coming up in inverted poses

  • can feel really liberating

  • are able to see your body and check it is in the right/safest position


  • being cold is a distraction

  • if you have poor body image sometimes this can put a downer on your practice (although it's also a geat way to learn to accept your body), conversely if you have a very good body image it can fuel your ego which we don't really want

  • can be a tad unhygienic - make sure you clean your mat afterwards

Number Two: The Bare Minimum

What is it: Crop top/shirtless and teensie li'l shorts

When can I wear it: At home? Absolutely. At a yoga class? Depends on the vibe of the studio and the type of class (be aware that some studios may ask you to put some more clothes on)


  • minimal distractions from clothes

  • can stay cooler whilst doing hot/power yoga

  • can see the body well and so you can monitor that you're in safe poses


  • can be a bit chilly!

  • can fuel ego

  • can be a distraction for others if your cheeks are popping out or your abs are hella on point

Number Three: Pyjama-rific

What is it: PJs or comfy, drapey clothes like trackies and hoodies and baggy shirts

When can I wear it: At home? Would recommend. At a yoga class? Usually teachers ask that you wear more fitted clothes so that they are able to see your body and help you through a safe and beneficial practice, however if you were perhaps doing a yin class this attire could be perfect.


  • you feel like a big ball of comfiness

  • keeps your warm if you're doing a relaxing/restorative practice

  • you can jump straight into bed afterwards


  • not so suitable for power/hot yoga - you're gonna sweat big time!

  • sometimes clothes can get in the way eg. stepping on the ankles of pants

  • cannot see your body very well and so cannot be sure whether you are practicing the postures safely

Number Four: The Pilates Mum

What is it: Inexpensive but effective usually black leggings and a fairly fitted t-shirt or tank top

When can I wear it: At home? Sure thing. At a yoga class? Definitely.


  • generally pretty comfy

  • allows you to see your body and make adjustments

  • gives you flexibility to move around and afterwards all you have to do is put on shoes and you can go anywhere

  • can do basically any type of yoga

  • often more 'emotion neutral', that is they don't fuel ego or bring down your body image


  • if they don't fit you perfectly it can be distracting eg. super tight leggings are never fun and oversized tops get in the way

  • you can get too hot and sweaty if you're doing a tough class

Number Five: Lulu Lavish

What is it: Usually expensive, often colourful, fitted pants and tanks specifically designed for yoga style fitness

When can I wear it: At home? If you want.. perhaps not necessary. At a yoga class? Of course, that's why you bought them.


  • holds everything in, can often be good for circulation, and they're very flexible

  • allows you to see your body and make efficient adjustments

  • can feel fun wearing bright bold colours


  • can fuel your ego if you're wondering if anyone has noticed your bright pink lorna jane pants yet

  • sometimes the bright colours can be distracting for others

  • often cost even more than attending a yoga class!

So there you have it, the low down on yoga clothing! Have a play with what you like wearing best and, as always, find what feels good. Just remember: it's not a fashion show!

Namaste x

P.S. Welcome back to term 3 schoolers! Half way through the year!! x

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