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DIY Wellness Retreat Day Three: A day for the people

Yep, day three was a day for the people. On this particular Sunday I decided to work on my social health by participating in three particular areas of my social community.

I started the day by going to work at Pilates and Yoga Styles, admittedly I didn't have a choice to go there if I wanted to be payed, but it still worked into my social health improving plan. I tried to have meaningful conversations with the many lovely clients and teachers who came to the class as I did my reception work. Working at this job always leaves me feeling happy and feeling like I am make a contribution to the lives of the people in my community. What can I say, I love my job!

The next step was chilling with my family. My mum has just left for France so at the time we decided to have a family lunch to spend some time with her and to give my mum a time to celebrate my sister's birthday which happened while she was away. So we sat down and had a full meal, a rare occasion for us at lunchtime, and talked and laughed with each other. My family are a very important and influential part of my life so it was very important that I worked on strengthening my relationships with them!

Finally, I organised to go out to dinner with 3 of my friends. We went to Boss Burgers so it didn't exactly comply to the 'staying physically healthy' goal but I was willing to make this sacrifice for my friends! We ate and talked and laughed and then went for a play in the park like the good old days ;) It was very important for me to hang out with my friends because I haven't seen some of them very much since I left school and so it was very refreshing to hang out with those crazy chickas!

These are my girls at our grad! ^^^

Our yummmm burgers from Boss Burgers! ^^^

So that was my social health day, stayed tuned for the next couple of days!


Mia x

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